Program of Study in the Institute of Kinlein

The Program of Study is divided into two series of courses, each with its own content focus. Download Program of Study brochure

The 500 series of courses introduce the foundational theory of the human being and present practical and helpful ideas for discussion and consideration.

POS 501 Philosophy Applied in Living Life

Every human being lives life in light of the reality that there are aspects of living that are universal among human beings. Each person takes action according to his/her own uniqueness within those common aspects. The words, philosophy applied, refer to the known or unknown reasons a person has for taking actions in living life day by day. Examples of questions studied are: Who am I? What is my purpose? How do I DO life now? (16 hours)

POS 502 Theory of Moving in Esca

This theory presents the view of the human being that is anchored in the premises of dignity; the knowing of self; and the power to take action in living life. The student will be introduced to the components, concepts, processes and subprocesses of the theory. Terminology will be defined and a unique perspective of being human will be considered. (16 hours)

POS 503 Human Relationships through Life

From the moment of conception through all the decades of life, a person lives in relationship with others. The nature of these relationships is studied from a universal philosophical viewpoint as one's unique perspectives are considered. Universal and unique aspects of the human condition, elements of the nature of woman and the nature of man, the power of the human will, and the concept of caring, form core content of this stoa. (16 hours)

Many students continue study in the 600 series in the Program of Study to deepen their understanding of kinleinal principles and concepts and to learn the theory of assisting--caring with people.

POS 601 - 606 The Professional Practice Discipline of Kinlein*

Kinleinal care is the professional practice dimension of this course of study. The student will learn to apply the theory of moving in esca in assisting clients in office and community settings. Other aspects of study in Stoa IV include the professional in society and how to set up a practice of kinlein. (90 hours)
* Details for admission to Stoa IV are available upon request and can be found in the Stoa IV brochure.

POS 700 Praxis

The purpose of praxis is to broaden, strengthen and hone practice skills by providing students a year of "guided practice" with experienced kinleiners.

Completion of this six course series plus praxis qualifies a graduate to take the national exam for certification as a kinleiner.


A Bachelor's Degree or its equivalent* is beneficial to study.

  • 1. Request an application from faculty for the course or from the IOK Administration Office:
    836 E. 15th Ave, Suite 3
    Anchorage, AK 99501
    Phone: 907-222-9980
  • 2. Return completed application to faculty in the Institute or mail to the IOK Administration Office. After application has been received, applicant will be contacted by a faculty member.
  • *The absence of a Bachelor's degree Is not necessarily an obstacle to study. Qualities essential to beneficial outcomes include an interest, a desire, and a commitment to self to pursue this study.

Cost of the Program of Study
  • POS 501, 502 and 503: $500 per course
  • POS 601-606: $500 per course, 6 courses total
  • Cost of texts approximately $50
  • Praxis: $1200

All checks for tuition and books are to be made payable to the Institute of Kinlein and may be submitted to faculty on the first day of class or mailed to the IOK Admin Office. Credit or debit card payments are also accepted.

Payment plans are available. Contact IOK faculty.