The Profession of Kinlein is based on the following:
  • At conception, a person receives power to take action in living life.
  • Each person has responsibility for and control over his or her actions.
  • A person knows self better than anyone else can know self.
  • Dignity is a quality of being human.
  • A person can be assisted in a way that benefits self and others
Kinleiners assist persons in any aspect of life: work life, home life,“figuring things out”, getting along with others, parenting, loving one another, health, and whatever else life brings.

The Profession of Kinlein emerged from a desire to help people in a way that recognizes the innate dignity of the person and the power to take action, uniquely and purposefully, in living life.

This website is designed to introduce the PROFESSION OF KINLEIN as well as the PRACTICE in assisting persons and to outline opportunities in LEARNING about:

  • a new view of being human
  • the way of assisting a person
  • a new approach in teaching and learning

Announcements & Events

Practical Wisdom for Everyday Life

March - April 2025

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM AKST

Location: Wausau, Wisconsin
Wisdom is true knowledge put to good use. This series of presentations/discussions is an opportunity to build on gems of wisdom from life experiences and explore new ones.
For more information, click here

POS 501: Philosophy Applied in Living Life

Introduction to a New View of Being Human

Philosophy applied refers to the known or unknown reasons a person has for taking actions in living life day by day. Examples of questions studied include: Who am I? What is my purpose? How do I live my life now?
In-person and Zoom classes are available.
Contact Mary Bolin, CPK, or Lorette Ulmschneider, CPK, for details.

Kinlein Teaching and Learning

Tuesdays, February 4 - March 11

12:15 PM - 2:15 PM AKST

Location: Institute of Kinlein—Anchorage, West
Preparation for Kinleiners to teach classes.
Instructor: Mary Bolin, CPK

POS 602

Thursdays, February 13 - March 27

12:00 PM - 2:00 PM AKST

Location: Institute of Kinlein—Anchorage, West
Preparation for students to practice Kinlein.
Instructors: Mary Bolin, CPK, and Linda Waggoner, CPK

Professional Gatherings

Faculty Conference
May 2-5, 2025
Wausau, Wisconsin

Assembly of Kinlein
October 18-23, 2025
St. Paul, Minnesota

Caring with people

Kinleiners assist persons in any aspect of life: work life, home life, figuring things out, getting along with others, parenting, loving one another, health, and whatever else life brings. The process of assisting is called car­ing-with. The term caring-with distinguishes the nature of kinleinal care from other forms such as "taking care of", "caring for", or "giving care to". Kinleiners meet with clients in office appointments or in other settings where one or more persons desire to be assisted.

Kinleiners are certified through the American Kinlein Association.

Learn more
The American Kinlein Association is the organization of Kinleiners acting for the benefit of society in the profession and practice of kinlein.

Learning in the Profession of Kinlein

Living life with other human beings can be a complex business. Classes offered by kinleiners in the community or through the Institute of Kinlein can be life changing. These classes address living through the complexities from a view of being human that incorporates:

  • a new understanding of the human being that underscores human dignity, responsibility and control,
  • the idea that relationships can be navigated in ways that bring benefit to those involved, family, friends and community.
  • philosophy, i.e., love of wisdom, applied in living life
Learn More

The whole of the profession of kinlein is dedicated to bringing benefit to humankind through its practice, education, and research. Its body of knowledge builds on and from all that is good and helpful and valuable in being human.